Thursday, June 7, 2007


I regained my connection to the Final Fantasy Servers! I can log on again :D And I'm now less busy! Again smiley; :D
The method in which I am less busy is good and bad though....
On a high note: A LOT OF TESTING HAS FINISHED! Freedom :P a week or two of studying couple with a week of testing leaves you drained and relieved. A bit like sex, when done right.
On a low note: My Girlfriend and I have broken up, we were very adult about it and took the logical steps. She was forbade from having relationships/she needed to focus on studies/She was unexperienced to this short of thing/I was busy with clubs/leadership/community activities. We are still friends. Sweet and great gal, no complaints. I feel I didn't leave the best example though for a boyfriend and our behavior though -_-;;
So I am basically free to catch up in FF, kinda. A guy has to be constructive over his summer break. So I'll be studying more Japanese and business accounting and in addition a fabled 'Summer J.O.B.' Pull my weight or something like that huh?
To get my FF working as well as fix my computer's firewall I spent an hour in a Dell chat room with a man named Raja(LIKE HTE RING :D). At first I thought he was a womyn but then found out that he was not >.> It was kinda like talking to an RMT to be truthful. Before the talk with this strange man/woman I uninstaller all my .DATs so I will be looking like everyone else for a very long time. Here is a pic in memory of my cool mage gear: Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Rock the old school Converse curtsy of Faulsey :P

1 comment:

Jowy said...

Urgh...I'm sorry for what happened with you gf. It was somehow the same thing happened to me ...leave bf then still remain good friends.
At least both of you are enough mature to do that, I'm happy :)

And lol @msn. Even if i log on that i never pay attention to it since its on another computer not near from me, and sometimes i forget to log off even if i sleep.. so forget me if i dont reply ;_;