Saturday, June 30, 2007

I put the Horror in Horror Voulge.

When last I left you all I was 30 WAR and mentioned that I got WAR to about 40 now. Now I will attempt to weave the story about how I got to this level. I jumped from the Jungles right to the Citadel thanks to some brave Party leaders. This was before I sought advice from Froh so I was still single Axe with a shield tanking. This was also far from a decent Axe that didn't cost me 200K-ish. Yea, noob WAR, look out. The important thing to me at the time as the fact that I had Kamphf gear. My legs and Feet but it was better than Eisen all around. I'll explain how a noob afforded Kamphf gear like this: I owe another LS member another favor, this time a little mischievous Tarutaru. Bad idea on my part, I'll probably end up dying a couple of times helping her.
Oh well I'm shiny now. Everything is going great. For a really long time. I hit 31 and then 32. I run back to town to get a Warrior's Axe. Along the way I find that I can take out a Raptor all by myself :D Being a WHM so long I hardly knew the feeling of standing my ground and fighting something. And winning! :D
Blah. I tank like a pro. The black mage could mana burst, the mob would turn around, I'd just have to boost and I'd have the mobs attention again. Like a Pro. I even had a hate fight with a Ninja but we were 35-ish so it's not a fair evaluation of Ninja Vs. Warrior but still: HE CHEATED! Elemental wheel >.> and he knew I couldn't let him die so he for went shadows. HE CHEATED. enough said.
Here comes the honorable mention of the post: Doc again helped me. He loaned to me a weapon of ridiculous power. The Horror Voulge:
DMG: 60 Delay: 489
VIT+1 Attack +8
I didn't need to provoke anymore. I just had to hit the damn thing and it would keep it's eye on me. Even with Defender, I just have to put one provoke and Boost and keep whacking. Ninja sub be damned!
After all that I took a break and farmed with my new Toy(THANK YOU DOC!) that was the funnest thing I've done in a long time. After the fund were gathered I planned to level blm to sub level at least.

Note: Reuben - Blamethrower

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

You have my Soul and my Sword.

I've said before that I was a gimped whm. Well I finally decided to change all that. I was gonna get all my Teleports. ALL OF THEM. Okay not really, Tele-Vazhl could rot for all I care. Tele-Yhoat is the s$%* though and same goes for Altept. So to do this I enlisted a good buddy of mine and LS mate: Loferecuent, the drunken bard! He got bard to lvl 70 some how while drunk. And thankfully with Lof came his NPC! I need to get one of those...And another friend of mine and LS mate: Evey! The prettiest Elvaan lady. She was about 50 RDM. With them aggro from the tele spawn points was gonna be easy squeezy. My two wonderful elvaan helpers were assembling and getting other things done. So I decided to run and do something completely different!(Evey and Lof have real lives and needed to attend to them, who am I to ask who/why/what?)
I went to go get myself started on DRK/SAM/PLD unlocking. I went over to Bastok and some of it's mines to get my Emosword. Grabbed that and then ran off to Kazahm in hopes of getting to Norg alive. Which happened but I got lost, upon reaching the cliff which divides the lowlands with the highlands I tried running my choco directly off the cliff...for thirty minuets...roughly. I then got off my choco and tried running down myself, choco's don't go into certain zones any how. Noooope. The reason that I got to Norg was because I am lucky, no skill just luck ;.; Another bard I did not know from anywhere; Dravion ran by and we chatted for a moment.he was willing ot show me the way and sent me an invite to party. I basically interrupted a merit party ;.; He showed me how to get down without dying. Then how to get to Norg without dying.
Norg is a very strange place. It's like Pirate Ninja Samurai Mercenary Headquarters. Which is a complex idea and at the same time nonsensical. I'm some what surprised that Corsair isn't unlocked there. I may never under stand things like this. But I did grab the pop items for the NMs that needed to be killed to unlocked Samurai. I quickly looked over the spects and saw that the requirement of hte quest was 30. I had lvl 41 WHM. This looked like it was going to be too easy, so I ran out the the Highlands and tried ot kill Forger. I buffed up and ran in cause that's all I could do. The end results: Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
It was laughing at me -_- It ate through my stoneskin in two hits. It then snorted up my shadows from blink. To say the least I died, quickly and I quote Lof: "Are you wearing toilet paper armor?"
To which I responded; "I'm a WHM."
So Lof came to help and he brought Evey after I re-obtained the pop item necessary for another Forger. This time, Loferecuent ATE FORGER. I love that drunken bard. Lof even has a Swan Bilbo, he might be one of the only Bards on our server that has that.Either way after Forger was eaten it was on to some other thing in the Sanctuary of Zi'Tah, I think it was a Gobbie. Lof literally killed it too fast, I popped it and then there was something in the treasure pool...I love that bard. Lof and Evey ran to Jueno to resupply and wait for me to get my Samurai sword. Which I did...after I got disconnected and reconnected. Three hours of trying to figure wth happened until I finally got back on and unlocked Samurai. Then ran over to Jueno myself and instructed Lof and Evey what was going to happen.
The plan was this:They would check on spawn locations for the incense while I checked on a different set of spawns.
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Operations begin!
After a period of Lof running down holes killing what ever he saw and I Sneaking and invisible-ing Lof found the damn trigger. I instructed him to basically kill anything that spawned around the candle thing while I ran to his position. Lof enjoyed this plan far more than he possibly should of. It was not long before victory was ours.
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On another note, I need to get one of those NPC things.
Any way, I went back to good old Sandy to get my Teleport-Mea while Lof and Evey enjoyed each other's company. I notified Lof that I needed Tele-Dem and He said something like: "lol@< teleport-dem >"
That was dealt with without problems or notable happenings.
Teleport -Yhoat was COMPLETELY different. To get the spell one must obtain a piece of Elshimo Marble, which is Rare/Ex, and trade it to the missionary in Kazahm. This reeks of Sand' O rian imperialism but feh...I need teleports. The plan at first was to wander through the surrounding jungle killing White lizards and Marble lizards accordingly. No one liked this plan but it was the only thing I thought up around 11 P.M. and I think 1 AM for Lof and Evey. After about...30 minutes of that we found a spot where the damn lizards regularly spawn. I pitched a tent, Evey started a fire, and Lof sang some songs and we went to work on the lizards. Well the lizards have a laggy spawn time so we killed Coeurls and gobs to pass the time.
Two hours later we each have about half a stack of coeurl meat and a random assortment of lizard parts but no marble. Lof was still soldiering on with Evey in pursuit, like they were competing for damage dealing, while I operated as a mass puller. I would sleep/bind/Dia II lizards to get them to come to Lof. He would weapon skill one shot one of them and then chip away at the second while Evey got the third. I was a whm, I couldn't hurt a fly so I hasted Lof and Evey and cured them. Pretty nice set up all things considered.
Then a freaking piece marble drops. Evey, being the funny gal she is lots on it. I freak out, Lof laughs his ass off, and Evey then passes on it. I lot and Banishaga II everything to celebrate. We run over to Kazahm and I get told that I need to go to Sandy to get it carved into a statue of THE goddess. That is all done hte next day. But right as that moment I Tele-Dem Lof and Evey to the Highlands. Lof wanted to camp Stray Marry again for the Horn of Mary. Evey, the kind girl, was willing to help. I logged off for the morning. Basically I got Teleport-Yhoat.
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Thanks Lof, thank you Evey. (I casted Invisable on Lof XD)
I'll get to my leveling spree(s) later.

Thursday, June 7, 2007


I regained my connection to the Final Fantasy Servers! I can log on again :D And I'm now less busy! Again smiley; :D
The method in which I am less busy is good and bad though....
On a high note: A LOT OF TESTING HAS FINISHED! Freedom :P a week or two of studying couple with a week of testing leaves you drained and relieved. A bit like sex, when done right.
On a low note: My Girlfriend and I have broken up, we were very adult about it and took the logical steps. She was forbade from having relationships/she needed to focus on studies/She was unexperienced to this short of thing/I was busy with clubs/leadership/community activities. We are still friends. Sweet and great gal, no complaints. I feel I didn't leave the best example though for a boyfriend and our behavior though -_-;;
So I am basically free to catch up in FF, kinda. A guy has to be constructive over his summer break. So I'll be studying more Japanese and business accounting and in addition a fabled 'Summer J.O.B.' Pull my weight or something like that huh?
To get my FF working as well as fix my computer's firewall I spent an hour in a Dell chat room with a man named Raja(LIKE HTE RING :D). At first I thought he was a womyn but then found out that he was not >.> It was kinda like talking to an RMT to be truthful. Before the talk with this strange man/woman I uninstaller all my .DATs so I will be looking like everyone else for a very long time. Here is a pic in memory of my cool mage gear: Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Rock the old school Converse curtsy of Faulsey :P