Saturday, July 28, 2007


Ah yes, Black mage. The simple pleasure of lighting things on fire. Nothing is more human in nature and nothing more important in our evolution. IF only they had Firaga back then. But I digress, when I last left you all I had BLM at 30. Bacisally I liked warp and escape and say no other reasons to level black because I had all the basic transportation spells. Then I looked around hte internets and saw that BLM is a sub for many jobs. And seeing as how I dont' really have a main job yet I supposed it would be good ot get subs out of the way. I had the stupid gear from WHM anyways. Black mage leveling just kinda blurr in with everythign else your doing. With me I kinda listen to a Podcast, listen to music, read blogs, do homework, and chat with people while leveling mage jobs.
So in short I don't remember what happened BLM 31-34. I do remember I heard so really funny stuff on the podcast and that I heard so god awful music on the radio. Ta-da >.>
Now BLM 35-36 was one long, drawn out party. God damn it was ridiculous. Two BLMS, a THF, NIN, Something, and a WAR. We had a pwr lvl...I think. Frohike is still right about Power Levelers when your Whitemage by the way.
I'll be honest, I fell asleep in this party, I think I fell asleep when I level'd...The NIN's tell chimes are what kept me awake. I think the party was in Altepa of the deserts. Dhamles were involved.
But BLM is done for now. I do remember that I level'd Monk for my WAR some point. More on that later!
Ragnarok, here I come.


Darrett said...

Heheh. Nice you have another sub out of the way. Hope you pick your "main" job soon. It's always nice to focus on something.

Alison the Amazing Thief said...

O.O So are blm always asleep? I suspected as much. Silly blm.

Anonymous said...

Dude, get that thing up to 75 and you will be burninating peasents left and right. MAN, I think I miss blowding things up more than Rampage.

Jowy said...

Dead ? ;(

Moe said...

Kind of...